The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage

The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage

Level 60, ilvl 220


Steps of Faith

Nidhogg's Rage (Side)

Scarcely had Nidhogg fallen on the Steps of Faith, when taverns across Eorzea began to rumble with the rumors of your victory. In one such establishment did you regale a certain story-staved bard with the true details of your accomplishment – a humble account that he soon expanded into a flowery ballad of heroic proportions. Even as the lilting notes fade away, your mind is carried off by recollections of a monstrous foe, writ considerably more terrifying by the wandering minstrel's exaggerated poetry...  


Member of the First Brood: Nidhogg
